Residential Performance


Residential rehabilitation integrates the home and outpatient treatments offered by our facilities or other presences on the national territory as it welcomes regional and extra regional users.

The residential presidium offers an interdisciplinary treatment with rehabilitative, educational and welfare values. It operates for three different types: 0-18 years for neuropsychosensory pathologies in which a rehabilitative diagnostic path is made, investing in the residual abilities of the patients and in the resources of family units to stimulate the evolutionary path towards the best possible life autonomy.

Post-adolescence for neuropsychiatric / syndromic diseases favoring awareness of their own identity and facilitating protected insertion in the group of peers.

From early childhood to the third age for pathologies with high multi-system intensity that require continuous specialized rehabilitation health care.

Access to services

The request for outpatient or domiciliary services can be made by the interested persons directly or by their family members, at the Presidium.

The Presidia enabled

Here are the aids enabled to provide residential services.

An interdisciplinary treatment with rehabilitative, educational and assistance values

Advanced equipment and specialized personnel


San Giovanni Rotondo